
Supply chain management

International Trade Corridors

International Multimodal Transport

Custom Regulation Improvements

Trade & Transport Facilitation

African Continental Free Trade Agreement Application

Implementation of the Eastern Corridor Road Development Programme

Country: Ghana

When: 2022 – to date

Client: Ministry of Roads Ghana and Ghana Highway Authority / Financing: AfDB

Work Description: Assessment of Trade and Transport Facilitation Activities along the Eastern Corridor Road. Assessment of the conditions of; transit trade procedures, facilities and infrastructure along the whole corridor and its ability to facilitate transit trade along the Eastern Corridor. Definition of the baseline situation for monitoring transit trade and transport facilitation activity along the Eastern Corridor, and make recommendations for options and costs for improvement of the corridor for trade and transport facilitation

National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2020 – 2022

Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Consulting Services for National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study and Enhance Sector Capacity in Planning and Research & Development: The main objective of the consultancy service is to come up with a 20 year (2020 – 2039) master plan, formulated based on a detailed assessment of the existing national transport network and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the gaps, therein as well as the relevant national policies, strategies, and macroeconomic frameworks

Elaboration of the SMART Study Report “Sustainable Market Access for African Road Transport

Country: Africa

When: 2020 – 2021

Client: African Development Bank

Work Description: Facilitate African regional and international trade by reducing cost and time needed for international road freight transport.
The Overall long-term objective of the project is to facilitate African regional and international trade by reducing cost and time needed for international road freight transport. The reduction will result from increased operational efficiency of transport operators and from increased competition among transport service providers due to a reduction of quantitative restrictions on cross-border road transport

Trade & Transport Facilitation Service between Kenya and Ethiopia

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2017 – 2019

Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: AfDB

Work Description: Preparation of the legal, institutional and technical arrangements for the creation and operation of One-Stop-Border Posts (OSBP) and trade and transport operations on the corridor. Examination of the performance of trade supply chains to identify procedures, regulations that incur unnecessary costs and delays and increase uncertainty and insecurity, in order to reduce trade transaction costs and design series of measures to improve the performance of the supply chain on the Mombasa – Nairobi – Addis Ababa road corridor linking Ethiopia & Kenya.

Upgrading of Turbi-Moyale (A2) Road Project

Country: Kenya

When: 2016 – 2017

Client: Kenya National Highways Authority / Financing: AfDB

Work Description: Consultancy Services for Trade and Transport Facilitation for Mombasa-Nairobi-Addis Ababa Road Development Project Phase III: Upgrading Of Turbi-Moyale (A2) Road PROJECT: The overall objective of the Trade & Transport Facilitation component is to develop streamlined logistics systems that reduce time and cost and increase reliability and predictability of shipments, through the implementation of a successful OSBP on the road corridor which is expected to reform and modernize border management institutions. The assessment of the present situation is expected to inform Kenya National Highways Authority and policy makers in the trade and transport sector, on how the supply chains for international trade functions and where opportunities exist to improve their performances to reduce transport and shipping costs between Kenya and Ethiopia and increase the volume of Ethiopian goods transiting through Mombasa Port in Kenya. The development of the corridor will expand market sizes beyond national boundaries and foster a conducive and enabling environment for the private sector and for attracting foreign direct investments. In addition to enhancing trade and strengthening regional integration, the project will contribute to poverty reduction in both countries by increasing access to markets and social services for the surrounding areas, and communities, and by empowering women and other disadvantaged groups through adequate roadside socio-economic infrastructure and services.

Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of the Eastern Railway line and construction of the Boankra Dry Port

Country: Ghana

When: 2012 – 2013

Client: Ghana Ministry of Transport / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Preparation of a Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of the Eastern Railway line and construction of the Boankra Dry Port for Import/export and transit cargo to Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali.

Dry Port along the Addis Ababa – Moyale Corridor

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2010 – 2013

Client: ERA – Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Consultancy Service for Feasibility Study, Design Studies and Tender Documents Preparation for Dry Port along the Addis Ababa – Moyale Corridor

Feasibility Study for the intermodal and logistic pole of Novara

Country: Italy

When: 2006

Client: CIM-Centro Intermodale Merci di Novara

Work Description: Analysis of traffic demand and capacity offered. Investment, maintenance and operation costs and revenues calculation.

Study on the collection and disposal of Industrial Waste

Country: Italy

When: 2000

Client: CCR Italy

Work Description: Market study and legal assistance for collection and disposal of industrial waste

Related works

Implementation of the Eastern Corridor Road Development Programme

Country: Ghana

When: 2022 – to date

Client: Ministry of Roads Ghana and Ghana Highway Authority / Financing: AfDB

Work Description: Assessment of Trade and Transport Facilitation Activities along the Eastern Corridor Road. Assessment of the conditions of; transit trade procedures, facilities and infrastructure along the whole corridor and its ability to facilitate transit trade along the Eastern Corridor. Definition of the baseline situation for monitoring transit trade and transport facilitation activity along the Eastern Corridor, and make recommendations for options and costs for improvement of the corridor for trade and transport facilitation

National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2020 – 2022

Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Consulting Services for National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study and Enhance Sector Capacity in Planning and Research & Development: The main objective of the consultancy service is to come up with a 20 year (2020 – 2039) master plan, formulated based on a detailed assessment of the existing national transport network and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the gaps, therein as well as the relevant national policies, strategies, and macroeconomic frameworks

Elaboration of the SMART Study Report “Sustainable Market Access for African Road Transport

Country: Africa

When: 2020 – 2021

Client: African Development Bank

Work Description: Facilitate African regional and international trade by reducing cost and time needed for international road freight transport.
The Overall long-term objective of the project is to facilitate African regional and international trade by reducing cost and time needed for international road freight transport. The reduction will result from increased operational efficiency of transport operators and from increased competition among transport service providers due to a reduction of quantitative restrictions on cross-border road transport

Trade & Transport Facilitation Service between Kenya and Ethiopia

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2017 – 2019

Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: AfDB

Work Description: Preparation of the legal, institutional and technical arrangements for the creation and operation of One-Stop-Border Posts (OSBP) and trade and transport operations on the corridor. Examination of the performance of trade supply chains to identify procedures, regulations that incur unnecessary costs and delays and increase uncertainty and insecurity, in order to reduce trade transaction costs and design series of measures to improve the performance of the supply chain on the Mombasa – Nairobi – Addis Ababa road corridor linking Ethiopia & Kenya.

Upgrading of Turbi-Moyale (A2) Road Project

Country: Kenya

When: 2016 – 2017

Client: Kenya National Highways Authority / Financing: AfDB

Work Description: Consultancy Services for Trade and Transport Facilitation for Mombasa-Nairobi-Addis Ababa Road Development Project Phase III: Upgrading Of Turbi-Moyale (A2) Road PROJECT: The overall objective of the Trade & Transport Facilitation component is to develop streamlined logistics systems that reduce time and cost and increase reliability and predictability of shipments, through the implementation of a successful OSBP on the road corridor which is expected to reform and modernize border management institutions. The assessment of the present situation is expected to inform Kenya National Highways Authority and policy makers in the trade and transport sector, on how the supply chains for international trade functions and where opportunities exist to improve their performances to reduce transport and shipping costs between Kenya and Ethiopia and increase the volume of Ethiopian goods transiting through Mombasa Port in Kenya. The development of the corridor will expand market sizes beyond national boundaries and foster a conducive and enabling environment for the private sector and for attracting foreign direct investments. In addition to enhancing trade and strengthening regional integration, the project will contribute to poverty reduction in both countries by increasing access to markets and social services for the surrounding areas, and communities, and by empowering women and other disadvantaged groups through adequate roadside socio-economic infrastructure and services.

Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of the Eastern Railway line and construction of the Boankra Dry Port

Country: Ghana

When: 2012 – 2013

Client: Ghana Ministry of Transport / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Preparation of a Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of the Eastern Railway line and construction of the Boankra Dry Port for Import/export and transit cargo to Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali.

Dry Port along the Addis Ababa – Moyale Corridor

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2010 – 2013

Client: ERA – Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Consultancy Service for Feasibility Study, Design Studies and Tender Documents Preparation for Dry Port along the Addis Ababa – Moyale Corridor

Feasibility Study for the intermodal and logistic pole of Novara

Country: Italy

When: 2006

Client: CIM-Centro Intermodale Merci di Novara

Work Description: Analysis of traffic demand and capacity offered. Investment, maintenance and operation costs and revenues calculation.

Commercial Centres on N°35 “Dei Giovi” Road

Country: Italy

When: 2002

Client: Alessandria Municipality

Work Description: Strengthening of the road transport system for the use of the commercial centres on n°35 “Dei Giovi” road: Environmental impact assessment and cost assessment related to environmental measures proposed for the project