Urban Transport Solutions

Green Cities

Smart City & Smart Mobility

Pedestrian & Cycling

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)

Urban Regeneration plans

Transit Oriented Development (TODs)

EBRD - Framework for Sustainable Mobility & Access to Road Transport (SMART)

Country: Romania

When: 2021 – to date

Client: Sibiu Municipality / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Development and implementation of a RAMS (Road Asset Management System) for the city of Sibiu: The overall objective of this assignment is to ensure road sector sustainability and provide an objective basis for road sector funding, via the development and implementation of a RAMS (Road Asset Management System) – an asset management tool for adequate inventory and multi-annual planning of road maintenance and rehabilitation. Staff from the City roads (and other relevant) departments will be familiarized with the rationale and techniques of a RAMS, by adopting and implementing the system in a pilot trial.

Integrated Urban Upgrading of Gjirokastra

Country: Albania

When: 2021 – 2021

Client: Albanian Development Fund-Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development / Financing: Albanian Development Fund

Work Description: Mobility Plan and Detailed Design of Project Investments for Integrated Urban Upgrading of Gjirokastra. The Scope of works and objectives of this consultancy service are:
o conduct mobility assessment in the study area and develop a mobility plan (including practical and cost-effective measures to overcome the identified urban transport mobility challenges);
o the identification and prioritization of Year 2-5 cohesive investment program to be financed under PIUTD;
o the development of preliminary designs, guidelines and preliminary estimates for the investment projects selected for PIUTD financing; and,
o the development of detailed designs for selected investments projects and support the Client in the preparation of the bidding documents, for approved investment projects.

National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2020 – 2022

Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Consulting Services for National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study and Enhance Sector Capacity in Planning and Research & Development: The main objective of the consultancy service is to come up with a 20 year (2020 – 2039) master plan, formulated based on a detailed assessment of the existing national transport network and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the gaps, therein as well as the relevant national policies, strategies, and macroeconomic frameworks

SMART - Sustainable Mobility & Access to Road Transport

Country: Romania

When: 2018 – 2021

Client: Sibiu Municipality / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Corporate improvement of the transport operator TURSIB S.A: Improve the efficiency and operational performance of the public transport operations in Sibiu, mainly through:
– updating and developing the public transport plan, including revised routes and timetables; review of available traffic data, including from the SUMP;
– drafting a new PSC for TURSIB, which is compliant with relevant EU and national regulations, then assist the Company with the PSC approval and implementation;
– supporting TURSIB in the process of development of services and improved efficiency, based on the PSC and the public transport plan.

SMART - Benchmarking and Funding Strategy

Country: Romania

When: 2018 – 2020

Client: Romania Ministry of Transport / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Promotion of improved performance and funding of public transport and road infrastructure sectors, through development of benchmarking, exchange platforms and technical support. This in turn will increase transparency, resulting in an effective operational tool for monitoring performance and encouraging improved performance in the sector. Regarding benchmarking, this assignment shall focus on the urban public transport side. The target for the current assignment is to have at least,8 public transport operators and the related municipalities involved in the pilot benchmarking exercise.

Strategic Plan of Interventions at Fiumicino Airport for 2024 Olympic Games

Country: Italy

When: 2015

Client: Atlantia S.p.A. / PROTOS S.p.A.

Work Description: The project aim is to identify the air-side, land-side and access interventions needed in the “Leonardo da Vinci airport”, to make it the Olympics airport hub, able to cope with the concentrated (two months) transport demand (arrivals/departures) during the Olympic games.

SUMP (Sustainable Urban Development Plan) of the city of Cluj-Napoca and North-West Region of Romania

Country: Romania

When: 2014 – 2015

Client: Government of Romania, Ministry of Economic Development / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Create a sustainable urban transport systems for the city of Cluj-Napoca (350,000 inhabitants) and the surrounding counties, ensuring easy accessibility, improving safety and security, reducing air and noise pollution, improving efficiency and cost effectiveness of the transport system, contributing to enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and improving the resilience of transport networks to extreme weather and natural events in line with EU policies on “adaptation to climate change”

SUMP (Sustainable Urban Development Plan) of the city of Timisoara and West Region of Romania

Country: Romania

When: 2014 – 2015

Client: Government of Romania, Ministry of Economic Development / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Create a sustainable urban transport systems for the city of Timisoara (300,000 inhabitants) and the surrounding counties, ensuring easy accessibility, improving safety and security, reducing air and noise pollution, improving efficiency and cost effectiveness of the transport system, contributing to enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and improving the resilience of transport networks to extreme weather and natural events in line with EU policies on “adaptation to climate change”.

Development Master plans of for Ba’adre, Zawita, Bamarne and Shekhan towns

Country: Kurdistan

When: 2014 – 2015

Client: Kurdistan Ministry of Municipalities & Tourism

Work Description: Consulting services for the Development Master plans of for Ba’adre, Zawita, Bamarne and Shekhan towns /Dahuk Governatorate.

Feasibility Study for an Integrated Public Transport System for the Metropolitan Area of Maputo and Matola

Country: Mozambique

When: 2014

Client: Ministry of Public Works Mozambique

Work Description: Revision of the Feasibility Study, including investigation and data gathering procedures, modelling and reference scenarios, multi-modal transport system project. Analysis of spatial and socio-economic framework, passenger analysis traffic and forecast, institutional organization, economic analysis of different alternative scenarios, Preliminary design of Tram System, Metropolitan surface transport system, intermodality and construction stages.

Development of Infrastructure Master and Action Plans for8 Municipalities in Serbia

Country: Serbia

When: 2009

Client: UNDP

Work Description: Technical Assistance to 8 Municipalities in SW Serbia for the Preparation and Development of Infrastructure Master and Action Plans

Urban development plans for the cities of Durres, Shkodra, Vlora and Kamez

Country: Albania

When: 2008 – 2009

Client: Albania Ministry of Public Works, Transport & Telecommunication Financing: The World Bank

Work Description: Enhancement of urban land management capacities in selected municipalities of Albania through (1) preparation of regulatory plans in (Durres, Shkodra, Vlore, Kamez); and (2) on the job training and preparation of urban planning guidance manuals to enable regular update of the regulatory plans by the municipal staff.

Simulation Model for the Rimini Public Transport Network

Country: Italy

When: 2008

Client: Municipality of Rimini

Work Description: Consultancy services for the development of a simulation model for the Rimini public transport network: Traffic Analyses and Forecasts and development of a Traffic Simulation Model

Rehabilitation of Bucharest Urban roads PHASE II

Country: Romania

When: 2005 – 2007

Client: Bucharest Municipality / Financing: European Investment Bank

Work Description: Elaboration of a strategy for the rehabilitation of Bucharest Urban roads – Definition of interventions for urban needs and utilities of the city of Bucharest: Phase II – Procurement of Technical Assistanced

Istanbul Üsküdar-Ümraniye Rapid Transit line

Country: Turkey

When: 2004 – 2005

Client: Municipality of Istanbul

Work Description: Analysis of Investment Options for light urban railways in the city of Istanbul: Analysis of transport offer in Istanbul Municipality and definition of best investment options; detailed analysis and economic/financial analysis of pre-selected investment alternatives (financial performance and risk analysis)

Catanzaro Urban Transport Study

Country: Italy

When: 2004 – 2005

Client: Catanzaro Municipality

Work Description: Study of the urban mobility and proposal for interventions in the road, railway and regulatory aspects. Involvement of private investment and PPP options in public transport.

MUTP - Municipal Urban Transport Plan in Moscow

Country: Russia

When: 1998 – 2000

Client: World Bank / Financing: The World Bank

Work Description: New design and circulation plan for the central ring road (Sadovaye Kalso) and the two major urban roads of Warshavskoe and Shelkovskoe, with detailed design for pedestrian underpasses and traffic light calculation. Include also institutional assistance for Traffic Police in Moscow.

Related works

EBRD - Framework for Sustainable Mobility & Access to Road Transport (SMART)

Country: Romania

When: 2021 – to date

Client: Sibiu Municipality / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Development and implementation of a RAMS (Road Asset Management System) for the city of Sibiu: The overall objective of this assignment is to ensure road sector sustainability and provide an objective basis for road sector funding, via the development and implementation of a RAMS (Road Asset Management System) – an asset management tool for adequate inventory and multi-annual planning of road maintenance and rehabilitation. Staff from the City roads (and other relevant) departments will be familiarized with the rationale and techniques of a RAMS, by adopting and implementing the system in a pilot trial.

Integrated Urban Upgrading of Gjirokastra

Country: Albania

When: 2021 – 2021

Client: Albanian Development Fund-Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development / Financing: Albanian Development Fund

Work Description: Mobility Plan and Detailed Design of Project Investments for Integrated Urban Upgrading of Gjirokastra. The Scope of works and objectives of this consultancy service are:
o conduct mobility assessment in the study area and develop a mobility plan (including practical and cost-effective measures to overcome the identified urban transport mobility challenges);
o the identification and prioritization of Year 2-5 cohesive investment program to be financed under PIUTD;
o the development of preliminary designs, guidelines and preliminary estimates for the investment projects selected for PIUTD financing; and,
o the development of detailed designs for selected investments projects and support the Client in the preparation of the bidding documents, for approved investment projects.

National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study

Country: Ethiopia

When: 2020 – 2022

Client: Ethiopian Roads Authority / Financing: European Union

Work Description: Consulting Services for National Integrated Transport Master Plan Study and Enhance Sector Capacity in Planning and Research & Development: The main objective of the consultancy service is to come up with a 20 year (2020 – 2039) master plan, formulated based on a detailed assessment of the existing national transport network and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the gaps, therein as well as the relevant national policies, strategies, and macroeconomic frameworks

SMART - Sustainable Mobility & Access to Road Transport

Country: Romania

When: 2018 – 2021

Client: Sibiu Municipality / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Corporate improvement of the transport operator TURSIB S.A: Improve the efficiency and operational performance of the public transport operations in Sibiu, mainly through:
– updating and developing the public transport plan, including revised routes and timetables; review of available traffic data, including from the SUMP;
– drafting a new PSC for TURSIB, which is compliant with relevant EU and national regulations, then assist the Company with the PSC approval and implementation;
– supporting TURSIB in the process of development of services and improved efficiency, based on the PSC and the public transport plan.

SMART - Benchmarking and Funding Strategy

Country: Romania

When: 2018 – 2020

Client: Romania Ministry of Transport / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Promotion of improved performance and funding of public transport and road infrastructure sectors, through development of benchmarking, exchange platforms and technical support. This in turn will increase transparency, resulting in an effective operational tool for monitoring performance and encouraging improved performance in the sector. Regarding benchmarking, this assignment shall focus on the urban public transport side. The target for the current assignment is to have at least,8 public transport operators and the related municipalities involved in the pilot benchmarking exercise.

Strategic Plan of Interventions at Fiumicino Airport for 2024 Olympic Games

Country: Italy

When: 2015

Client: Atlantia S.p.A. / PROTOS S.p.A.

Work Description: The project aim is to identify the air-side, land-side and access interventions needed in the “Leonardo da Vinci airport”, to make it the Olympics airport hub, able to cope with the concentrated (two months) transport demand (arrivals/departures) during the Olympic games.

SUMP (Sustainable Urban Development Plan) of the city of Cluj-Napoca and North-West Region of Romania

Country: Romania

When: 2014 – 2015

Client: Government of Romania, Ministry of Economic Development / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Create a sustainable urban transport systems for the city of Cluj-Napoca (350,000 inhabitants) and the surrounding counties, ensuring easy accessibility, improving safety and security, reducing air and noise pollution, improving efficiency and cost effectiveness of the transport system, contributing to enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and improving the resilience of transport networks to extreme weather and natural events in line with EU policies on “adaptation to climate change”

SUMP (Sustainable Urban Development Plan) of the city of Timisoara and West Region of Romania

Country: Romania

When: 2014 – 2015

Client: Government of Romania, Ministry of Economic Development / Financing: EBRD

Work Description: Create a sustainable urban transport systems for the city of Timisoara (300,000 inhabitants) and the surrounding counties, ensuring easy accessibility, improving safety and security, reducing air and noise pollution, improving efficiency and cost effectiveness of the transport system, contributing to enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment and improving the resilience of transport networks to extreme weather and natural events in line with EU policies on “adaptation to climate change”.

Development Master plans of for Ba’adre, Zawita, Bamarne and Shekhan towns

Country: Kurdistan

When: 2014 – 2015

Client: Kurdistan Ministry of Municipalities & Tourism

Work Description: Consulting services for the Development Master plans of for Ba’adre, Zawita, Bamarne and Shekhan towns /Dahuk Governatorate.

Feasibility Study for an Integrated Public Transport System for the Metropolitan Area of Maputo and Matola

Country: Mozambique

When: 2014

Client: Ministry of Public Works Mozambique

Work Description: Revision of the Feasibility Study, including investigation and data gathering procedures, modelling and reference scenarios, multi-modal transport system project. Analysis of spatial and socio-economic framework, passenger analysis traffic and forecast, institutional organization, economic analysis of different alternative scenarios, Preliminary design of Tram System, Metropolitan surface transport system, intermodality and construction stages.

Development of Infrastructure Master and Action Plans for8 Municipalities in Serbia

Country: Serbia

When: 2009

Client: UNDP

Work Description: Technical Assistance to 8 Municipalities in SW Serbia for the Preparation and Development of Infrastructure Master and Action Plans

Urban development plans for the cities of Durres, Shkodra, Vlora and Kamez

Country: Albania

When: 2008 – 2009

Client: Albania Ministry of Public Works, Transport & Telecommunication Financing: The World Bank

Work Description: Enhancement of urban land management capacities in selected municipalities of Albania through (1) preparation of regulatory plans in (Durres, Shkodra, Vlore, Kamez); and (2) on the job training and preparation of urban planning guidance manuals to enable regular update of the regulatory plans by the municipal staff.

Simulation Model for the Rimini Public Transport Network

Country: Italy

When: 2008

Client: Municipality of Rimini

Work Description: Consultancy services for the development of a simulation model for the Rimini public transport network: Traffic Analyses and Forecasts and development of a Traffic Simulation Model

Rehabilitation of Bucharest Urban roads PHASE II

Country: Romania

When: 2005 – 2007

Client: Bucharest Municipality / Financing: European Investment Bank

Work Description: Elaboration of a strategy for the rehabilitation of Bucharest Urban roads – Definition of interventions for urban needs and utilities of the city of Bucharest: Phase II – Procurement of Technical Assistanced

Istanbul Üsküdar-Ümraniye Rapid Transit line

Country: Turkey

When: 2004 – 2005

Client: Municipality of Istanbul

Work Description: Analysis of Investment Options for light urban railways in the city of Istanbul: Analysis of transport offer in Istanbul Municipality and definition of best investment options; detailed analysis and economic/financial analysis of pre-selected investment alternatives (financial performance and risk analysis)

Catanzaro Urban Transport Study

Country: Italy

When: 2004 – 2005

Client: Catanzaro Municipality

Work Description: Study of the urban mobility and proposal for interventions in the road, railway and regulatory aspects. Involvement of private investment and PPP options in public transport.

MUTP - Municipal Urban Transport Plan in Moscow

Country: Russia

When: 1998 – 2000

Client: World Bank / Financing: The World Bank

Work Description: New design and circulation plan for the central ring road (Sadovaye Kalso) and the two major urban roads of Warshavskoe and Shelkovskoe, with detailed design for pedestrian underpasses and traffic light calculation. Include also institutional assistance for Traffic Police in Moscow.